Wednesday, August 10, 2016

CSA 2016 Week #9 Half Way

Hello Everyone,
We made it to the 1/2 way point of the season. This is the time of year when everything starts to get heavier. Potatoes, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers...etc...
Willy dug the very first of the potatoes yesterday and we will be putting them in the boxes today.  I hope you enjoy them. They are delicious. I think my favorite way to eat potatoes is to lightly fry them in oil (who doesn't like things fried in oil!) but they also make good bakers and roasters as well.  We leave potatoes dirty since they keep much better this way.
We are also starting to dole out the first of the sweet onions. I live for sweet onion and tomato sandwiches. It is my go-to lunch of choice in the summer time. Sweet onions don't store as long as other varieties so you will want to eat them in the near future (like the next month). We will start giving you storage varieties closer to the end of the season that are appropriate for long term holding.
And you probably noticed that we are starting to harvest tomatoes. I didn't think there would be enough for the boxes when I wrote last week's newsletter. Imagine my surprise when I went to harvest and started filling flat after flat. Amazing. What a gift, especially since we are STILL waiting for the cherry tomatoes to produce (very unusual to have large tomatoes first).
I hope you enjoyed the beans over the last three weeks. We are going to take the week off from beans and will probably come back to them again one more time before the season is over. We are transitioning from one planting into the next and should start harvesting from the new beds in the next week or so.
Lots of eggplant this time of year. Some of you probably don't love eggplant. I am sorry about that. Our family happens to love it. If eggplant isn't your favorite, it  can always be blanched and frozen in vacuum seal bags and stored for winter when it makes a very great addition to soup when pureed and used with tomatoes as a base. You won't even taste it but the soup will be thicker and heartier. For now, I have included a few recipes that will hopefully get you excited to eat these true summer beauties.

For those of you with extra time on your hands, Laura will be on vacation starting this Wednesday and running through next Thursday. If you feel like spending an hour or two at the farm during that time to help with harvest etc,,, we will gladly compensate you with some extra produce. I can't speak highly enough of Laura and how much we appreciate all she does at the farm (and beyond!).

Other than that, one last reminder that there is still time to purchase tickets for the Farm to Table dinner on Tuesday August 23rd. Everything, including the food, service and wine, is being donated for this event so all proceeds benefit the Leavenworth Community Farmers Market. This has been a big project for our small dedicated board and we are all anticipating a great evening of good food.

That's it for now. Have a great week and enjoy these last couple weeks of 'official' summer.

In Your Share This Week:
Eggplant, Zucchini, Tomato, Potatoes, Garlic, Sweet Onion, Radishes, Chard, Cucumber, Beets or Carrots, Basil?, and probably some other good stuff.

15 Easy Eggplant Recipes
Easy Eggplant Parmesan
How to Freeze Eggplant- The graphics are coarse on this page, but this is exactly how to do it.

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