Wednesday, June 22, 2016

2016 CSA Week #2 Root Crops and Spring Peas

I hope you had a great week. Ours was action-packed to say the least. Now that school is done for the summer, we are all trying to settle in to our new routine. The first week is always the hardest as our kids try and figure out their place at the farm. The good news is that from time to time, we can wrangle them in to helping with tasks such as picking peas or weeding kohlrabi. Every little bit of help adds up during June; the busiest month of the season. There are no shortage of tasks on the to-do list. It is the time of year when weeding, seeding and harvesting all coalesce into a mountain of chores. Having a few extra hands around to help lighten the load is always welcome, even if those hands aren't quite full-grown yet.

This week we will be jumping right into summer-worthy crops. The box will contain many of the early favorites that we were hoping would be ready right around now. Delaying the start of the CSA a week really paid off and now we are starting to pull the first beets from the outside beds rather than adding beet thinnings to the box. It will still be quite some time before we start being able to add in the heat loving crops (especially with all this cold weather we have been experiencing) but for now, I hope you are all content with root crops and green things.

**REMEMBER CSA boxes will not be dropped off before 4 PM at Sage Mountain and Plain Grocery. Even if you go in early and hope that they will be there, our schedule for the day will not allow us to get there any earlier than the time stated. We harvest fresh on the day of delivery and washing and packaging all of that pretty produce takes, all day. Practice patience and trust that we will deliver in the afternoon. Thank you for understanding!

In Your Share This Week:
Salad Mix, Arugula, Garlic Scapes, Beets!, Carrots, Sugar Snap Peas and probably a few surprises....

Sugar Snap Peas do not need to be shelled. Enjoy them in the pod. In the next few weeks we will start to put shelling peas in the boxes. I will include instructions on how to deal with them at that time.

30 Beet Dishes That Will Convince You To Try A New Recipe- A Smorgasbord of beet recipes to get you thinking....

Carrot Cake -I always tend to substitute brown sugar every time a recipe asks for white sugar. The flavor is fuller and richer.

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