Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tierra Garden Organics CSA Week #15 Saying Goodbye....

Well, I have been mentioning this for a few weeks but now I really mean it. It is time to start saying goodbye. Goodbye zucchini, goodbye cucumbers, goodbye summer.
There has been a dramatic shift at the farm over the last 10 days. Like a migrating fledgling, summer found its wings and flew south leaving us with crisp nights, short days and a cool breeze. We might even get a little rain.....
What this weather means is that anything that loves warm nights and hot sun is slowing to a crawl. Willy harvested less than 8 lbs of patipans yesterday and only one bin of cucumbers. He and Laura had headed down to those beds with their usual stack of 5-10 bins and came back up with only a bin and a half full of produce. Laura was a little baffled by how fast production can shut down when the weather shifts a few degrees and Willy just laughed.
So prepare yourselves for winter squash, leeks and onions...the staples of fall. Think warm soups and biscuits. And if you haven't put food up for the winter yet, there is no more time to procrastinate; do it now. Farmers market will last a few more weeks before everyone puts away their canopies for the season. Although finding a good peach is getting to be a rare treat, there are still pears, apples and even some berries showing up.
And, if you haven't been keeping track, there are only 3 weeks left of the CSA after today. Once we get to the end, we often offer an extension on a week by week basis. I will let you know if this is a possibility as we get a little closer in. The farm has been exceptionally busy this summer and although we are usually sitting on a large abundance going into winter, this year we may (for the first time ever) be sold out by the middle of October.
Have a great week!

In Your Share This Week:
Carrots, Beets, Kale/Collards/Chard, Onions, Winter Squash, Peppers, Eggplant?, Zucchini, Tomatoes, and items still to be determined....

Winter Squash Soup
Jalapeno Poppers

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