Thursday, August 13, 2015

Tierra Garden Organics CSA Week #10 Hell Week

This post will be relatively brief this time around. Willy and I are in the middle of what we are referring to as 'Hell Week'. We are most of the way through, but still have to keep pushing to make it to Sunday...the finish line.
Some of you know that in addition to working at the farm, I also manage the Retreat Center at Tierra.  This is the busy time of the year for us with weddings coming and going and lots of work in between. We have never hosted a mid-week wedding until Tuesday. So, during Hell Week I have been hosting 3 weddings (all multi-day) in 8 days up at the lodge with a Retreat Center full of guests.

For Willy, 'Hell Week' has culminated in much of our usual, wonderful helpers and employees all being on vacation at the same time. Literally, Willy has been pulling out all of his 'Ace in the Hole' cards and called in friends and past volunteers to help man the farm while everyone is on summer vacation. And then, last night, the truck broke and had to be trailered back to the house. Likely it requires a small fix, but it is an inconvenience (to say the least) to have your market truck break the day before market.

Sprinkles on top of this cake are all of the family-related jobs like shuttling kids to and from summer camps and somehow managing to go grocery shopping for dog and cat food etc....etc...etc...

So,,....if you see us in the next couple of days and there are bags under our eyes, now you know why. Hell Week is temporary (really, it is more like Hell-10 Days) and then the hardest part of the summer should be behind us.

Hope you enjoy the boxes....they look awesome! The garden is exploding right now.

In Your Share This Week:
Kale/Collards/Chard, Sweet Onions, Kohlrabi, Radishes, Head Lettuce, Peppers (mostly hot plus a lipstick sweet pepper and a poblano), cherry tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, and a couple of other tasty treats

Potato Salad
Pasta with Garlic and Cherry Tomatoes

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