If the topic of water and agriculture has not crossed your mind this summer, it should. We are in a very precarious situation in our part of the world. This summer is only a training exercise for the future. Water is a very real part of our existence on the farm. Without it, we would spend our days in a knapweed infested field rather than harvesting a bounty of crops. Our summer weather patterns are not conducive to growing non-irrigated ag. The mid-west, where I grew up, relies almost exclusively on rainfall to supply enough water for summer sown crops. Truly, that is not the case in our region. Although you may not have personally felt it, our state is taking a hard hit this summer. If you are a regular visitor to farmers markets you have noticed that some crops are in short supply. I have talked to a number of fruit growers who struggled to make a crop happen this season....it is just too hot. Cherries are turning rubbery, all varieties are stacking up on top of each other for peaches, berries are being attacked by numerous insect species in search of water, tomatoes and peppers are aborting their fruits after pollination. A small number of household wells have begun to go dry or partially dry. Irrigation districts are reducing their supplies to customers by up to a 1/3. Sockeye return to Lake Wenatchee is pitifully low due to high water temperatures. And thank God that our fire season has been blissfully quiet so far.
Willy and I have been farming at Tierra for 9 years now. In human terms, that is what you would call the makings of a 'career'. In geologic time, it is a blip. Certainly it has been the year that has most made us consider the long term ability to farm in our small valley. To date, water is still available for us to continue farming. I consider this a great gift; maybe the greatest. We are suffering far less than many of our agricultural neighbors. That being said, we are months away from the end of our traditional farming season and additional precipitation looks unlikely for some time.
Many of our crops are on the verge of finishing, many more just went in the ground. How this season will play out is anyone's guess. Please be thankful for water. Be thankful and care for this resource in any way you can. It is what makes it possible for us to comfortably live here. I am thankful every day. I feel blessed beyond words that we are able to continue to grow food and have been given the gift of water. Enjoy the produce; it is a gift as well.
In Your Share This Week:
Tomato?!, Cucumber, Eggplant, Zucchini/Patipans, Basil, Beans!!, Pak Choi, Golden Beets, Kale/Collards/Chard, Garlic, Sweet Onion and probably a surprise or two....
Baba Ganoush
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