Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tierra Garden 2015 CSA Week #4....Yes, we are WAY ahead of normal.

Holy Hot Tamales! We are WAY ahead of schedule. I just looked back at old  week #4 newsletters from the last 6+ years. There is nothing to compare with what we are experiencing this season as far as harvest goes. Normally, you would still be receiving beet greens not Full Sized Beets in your share. You would be receiving head lettuce not Eggplant and Zucchini. For what it's worth, enjoy this true summer...we might not have another one like it for a while...or this might just become the new normal. Either way, this week, there will be eggplant in the boxes....and zucchini....and basil. Technically, you are receiving all of this bounty in July, but we all know that the first day of July might as well be June when it comes to produce.
So, we've all noticed that is is kind of hot outside. Because of this, Willy has been trying to get to the farm by about 5 in the morning. Needless to say, if you run into him in the afternoon or evening he may be a little bit loopy with sleep deprivation. Pretty soon, he will find a little time to nap in the early afternoon but right now (June and July) he is in crunch-mode. It is all out warfare as he works to plant, weed, harvest, re-plant, re-weed and repeat.....It looks like he is going to go for a a second sowing of beans and peas this year since both seem to be finishing with plenty of summer left to come. With any luck, we will have a 2 harvest year for both of these crops.
The shell peas are nearly ready. By next week, you should start to see these in the boxes. My traditional warning is to 'get ready' since these require a little extra work. We won't overwhelm you with them but just realize that you may need to spend a few more minutes with this crop before it is edible. Fortunately, little hands are good at this job and often you can pass the work on to the younger members of your family.
AND...Willy started to pull the garlic. This is usually a job that is saved for the end of July, not June 30th. However, the heads look beautiful and full and they are ready to come out of the ground. We will start putting them in the boxes as soon as they  have cured.
Looks like a bumper onion crop and the carrots will start coming out of the ground next week. The peppers are looking great and the Hungarian Wax variety already is showing a few mature peppers. These are from OUTSIDE beds, not high tunnel beds. Maybe you aren't impressed by this, but I am constantly amazed by what a few warm nights can do for our heat-loving plants.
I think that is enough gushing for now....enjoy the fruits of summer....it is a bountiful time of the year!

Also, we just cut the hay fields...woohoo! If you need bales for mulch etc...let us know.

In Your Share This Week:
Kale/Collards/Chard, Beets (either traditional red or Italian), Broccoli, Basil, Eggplant, Zucchini/Patipan, Head Lettuce, Kohlrabi, Garlic

Penne with Creamy Zucchini and Basil Sauce http://joanne-eatswellwithothers.com/2011/07/marcella-hazans-penne-with-creamy-zucchini-and-basil-sauce.html

Basic Roasted Beets http://joanne-eatswellwithothers.com/2011/07/marcella-hazans-penne-with-creamy-zucchini-and-basil-sauce.html

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