I've been hunting turkeys instead of writing this week. The ridges surrounding the canyon have a lot of turkeys. I would hear 3 or 4 each morning, from every direction. So, the other morning I was up there in the dark, hearing turkeys. Soon enough, I was very close to a small flock, 2 or 3 toms, still roosted. Oh, if you didn't know, turkeys roost in trees. I didn't know it would be 60' or 70' up. So, the toms get to gobbling, one after the other. I made my best turkey hen chirp, they gobble back emphatically. Wait a while, chirp again. I hear one fly down and start to come up the ridge toward me, gobble. Then he pokes his head up to peek. Gobble gobble. Anyway, we're having turkey tonight.
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