Monday, October 12, 2015

Northwest Harvest Interview: Notes From The Field 2015

I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Northwest Harvest about working with local food banks. Here is a link...
 Notes From the Field

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tierra Garden Organics CSA Week #18 The Last One

Sorry this is coming to you so late in the day. School is really changing our household dynamics and I ran out of time to write this up in the morning.
However, by now you are discovering what is in your box. It is fun to put in Brussels sprouts although they will require a little cleaning. Aphids love sprouts. It is a problem that is hard to avoid, especially in organic agriculture. We could have sprayed them with soap, but it tends to dry out the sprouts and give them a funny off-taste. Better to let the aphids attack the outermost layer and then peel that little bit off before cooking.  If you have never had sprouts attached to the stem before, they are easy to remove. Simply use your thumb to pop them free. Then soak them in water for about 15 minutes to rinse. Drain the water and re-rinse in a colander. Then, peel off the outermost leaves to remove a majority of the remaining aphids. I love sprouts sauteed in butter...that is my favorite way to eat them. However, roasted is good too or maybe even in a creamy soup.....
This will be the last week of the CSA for our 2015 season. Those of you who contacted me about an extension, I will be in touch. Willy and I have gone through the fields and have decided that it would be best to send out an availability list each week so that you are free to order as you like rather than to put together pre-made boxes. We have started to sell out of things faster than expected and this seems like the best option given the variety of crops that remain.
Thank you for being a part of our CSA program. For us, it is fun to put together the boxes each week (tiring.... but definitely fun!).   Every season is different. There is no telling what next year will be like. But this summer was definitely the warmest, longest and most bountiful one we have had in recent memory. And we are continuing the tradition of ending the CSA with a rainy day. It wouldn't be fall without a good soaking rain to harvest in once in a while. :-)
If you are interested in finding produce still, we will be delivering once a week to Sage Mountain. Otherwise, have a great winter and maybe we will see you again in the spring!
Thank You! Namaste!

In Your Share This Week:
Pie Pumpkins, Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Peppers, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Garlic, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Onions, Leeks, Kohlrabi

Old Fashioned Pumpkin Pie
Old Fashioned Pumpkin Bread
Roasted Brussels Sprouts